Last time we looked at Joseph, he was stuck in prison. The Pharaoh of Egypt had a strange dream. Who do we know that can interpret dreams? Joseph! In imprisonment, Joseph had used his talents of dream interpretation to help his cellmates (Genesis 40). When released, these men informed the Pharaoh of Joseph’s abilities. Joseph was quickly pulled from his prison cell and placed in front of the Pharaoh to interpret his strange vision (Genesis 41).
Joseph does an amazing job. Using his talent, he is able to save Egypt from a famine. He is promptly named governor of Egypt and placed at the right hand of the Pharoh.
Joseph’s family seems so far away. Having sold Joseph into slavery, they assumed he was dead. Little did they know he was about to save their lives. They arrived in Egypt in desperation. The famine had affected their homeland, and their only option was to go to Egypt, who had plenty of food, and beg for sustenance (Genesis 42)
In Psalm 13, David feels forgotten by God and wonders why his prayers aren’t answered. But he chooses to trust in God’s love and sings about His goodness. Sometimes, when life feels dark, it helps to remember the light is coming.