Today, we finish Genesis. I hope this first book has filled you with God’s wisdom. Although these stories can feel outdated and, in some cases, fictional, the mark they leave on your life is what makes them real. If you need proof there is a God, the inevitable connection between the Spirit in you and this sacred book puts an end to the doubt. As your Spirit speaks to the text your mind and body heal. Your walk continues.
Today we are reading Genesis 46 through 50. Jacob leaves his home and sets off for Egypt (Genesis 46). Joseph informs the Pharoh upon the arrival of his family. (Genesis 47) The Pharoh gave Joseph’s family the best part of his land. Showing Joseph is appreciation for all that he had done for Egypt. Time passes and Jacob (Isreal) is on his death bed. Joseph and his father exchange wishes and blessings (Genesis 48). In a beautiful prayer, Jacob blesses his children (Genesis 49). His final request was to be buried in the same cave as his ancestors. He then passes on. Joseph wept for his father’s death (Genesis 50). Like a true leader, he comforts and reassures his brothers through their worry and mourning. We end the book of Genesis, with Josephs death. He lived, grew and died in Egypt. His body remained in Egypt.