In this divine final showdown (Exodus 10), God sends two more plagues to Egypt: swarms of locusts that devour everything and three days of total darkness. Pharaoh still refuses to free the Israelites. Finally, God warns of the tenth plague—the death of every firstborn in Egypt (Exodus 11). To protect His people, God instructs the Israelites to mark their doors with lamb’s blood. The angel of death passes over these homes, sparing them. Pharaoh’s own son dies, and he finally orders the Israelites to leave. They march out of Egypt, loaded with treasure, celebrating their long-awaited freedom (Exodus 12). Do we really need to wait for consequences to make the right choices?
Psalm 20 is filled with a sense of divine encouragement. It is a prayer of blessing and intercession, likely written by King David. David asks God for protection for the King and his people. Sometimes the best thing we can do for someone else in need is pray.