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Day 22 - Exodus 16-18, Psalm 22

Foto del escritor: Samantha PatschkeSamantha Patschke

In today’s readings we get a fascinating glimpse into God’s care for His people and the importance of wise leadership. The Israelites grumble about hunger (Exodus 16), and God responds by miraculously providing manna and quail. God provides.

God protects the Israelites as they face the Amalekites (Exodus 17). The victory comes as Moses, with the help of Aaron and Hur, holds up his hands—a powerful picture of teamwork and dependence on God. God protects.

Who is Jethro? Moses’ father-in-law. He proves to be a wise observer. Seeing Moses exhaust himself by trying to handle every dispute, Jethro offers a brilliant solution: delegate (Exodus 18). He advises Moses to appoint capable, trustworthy leaders to manage smaller matters, freeing Moses to focus on the bigger challenges. No one can do it alone. God educates.

Psalm 22, David starts by feeling alone and far from God but ends by remembering God’s faithfulness. He knows God hears his prayers and will rescue him. Even when we feel lost, God is nearby.

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