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Day 26 – Exodus 28-31

Foto del escritor: Samantha PatschkeSamantha Patschke

God details the design of priestly garments. This chapter, (Exodus 28) reminds us that we called to be set apart in the beauty of God’s plan and in holiness.

The tabernacle served as a place for God’s presence to dwell. We can see that God’s desire to live with His people is central. Through the Holy Spirit we are now the tabernacle. This urges us to surrender, embrace His calling, and live as vessels of His presence and purpose in our daily lives (Chapter 29).

God gives instructions for the altar of incense, anointing oil, and sacred spices (Chapter 30). It challenges us to make prayers and worship central in our lives, creating an offering to Him.

God emphasizes the Sabbath as a sign of His covenant (Chapter 31). This chapter reminds us that God equips us for His work and calls us to rest in Him, balancing diligent service with holy rest and renewal.

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