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Day 28 –– Exodus 35-37 – Psalm 28

Foto del escritor: Samantha PatschkeSamantha Patschke

I know reading the Bible can seem like a daunting task. Something that helps me feel peaceful when facing this challenge is knowing that this journey is never ending. Once you finish, the only option is to start over. A daily Bible study today and continuing every day is transformative. Whether this is the first time you have read it, or the tenth. 2026, we will be here to do it all over again. No need to try to get it done. It will never be over.

Moses calls the Israelites to contribute materials and skills for building the Tabernacle, and the people respond with overflowing generosity (Exodus 35). Their hearts are stirred, and their willingness to give reflects their deep devotion to God. This same spirit of generosity should flow from us when we are called to contribute—whether through our resources, time, or talent, joyfully and wholeheartedly, as an act of worship and love.

That’s enough, Moses tells his people. Their overwhelming desire to provide make for an overabundance of offerings (Exodus 36). Incredible. We are powerful when we come together to do good! With a great purpose in mind, we are unstoppable.

Bezalel leads the construction of the Ark of the Covenant, the Table for the Bread of the Presence, the Lampstand, and the Altar of Incense (Exodus 37). God’s detailed instructions are followed with reverence and excellence. We might feel lost. We might wish for detailed instructions to follow. God has already given them to you. Still your heart, quiet your mind and pray.

Psalm 28 is a cry for help and thanksgiving. In this psalm, David’s pleas for God’s mercy and his expresses gratitude for answered prayer. Leaning on God in times of hopelessness is always the right answer.

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