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Day 29 –– Exodus 38-40 – Psalm 29

Foto del escritor: Samantha PatschkeSamantha Patschke

Today we finish Exodus! Can you believe it? 2 books down and only 64 left to go.

The Israelites continue to give freely (Exodus 38). The construction of the bronze altar, the washbasin, and the courtyard of the Tabernacle are described.

The priestly garments are carefully made, just as God commanded beautiful, intentional, and sacred (Exodus 39).

Moses sets up the Tabernacle, placing each piece exactly where God instructed. When everything is in place, God’s glory fills the Tabernacle, a visible sign of His presence among His people (Exodus 40).

Our duty is to give freely - free of attachment, free of fear, free of conditions and free of doubt. We are trained to make our choices intentionally, keeping God and His purpose in mind. When we have everything where it needs to be, God fills in the gaps. Do you have any gaps that you need to fill? Make sure everything is in its place.

Psalm 29 praises God’s power and majesty, comparing His voice to a monumental thunderstorm that demonstrates His control over creation. When looking to connect, nature is a great place to start.

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