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Day 30 –– Leviticus 1-4 – Psalm 30

Foto del escritor: Samantha PatschkeSamantha Patschke

Leviticus 1-4 lays out the sacrificial system God established for the Israelites. The burnt offering was entirely consumed by fire, symbolizing total dedication to God (Leviticus 1). The grain offering acknowledged God as the provider and was an act of thanksgiving (Leviticus 2). The fellowship offering celebrated peace and relationship with God (Leviticus 3). The sin offering was for amends, covering unintentional sins and restoring the relationship between the people and God (Leviticus 4). These sacrifices were central to Israel’s worship, providing a way for the people to express devotion, gratitude, and repentance.

Let’s show it off! How can we show our dedication, gratefulness, relationship and remorse? In modern life, we would each celebrate these parts of our lives differently. Witnessing that variety and commitment would be beautiful to fellow believers and inspiring to those who have not started their walk.

Psalm 30 is beautiful. Read it. It is a song of praise and thanksgiving, where David reflects on how God rescued him from trouble, healed him, and turned his mourning into joy. Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning (verse 5) God's steadfast love never fails.

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