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Day 31 - Leviticus 5-7 - Psalm 31

Foto del escritor: Samantha PatschkeSamantha Patschke

Even unintentional wrongdoing requires accountability (Leviticus 5). Although that is hard to hear, it is completely real. This reminds us that mistakes are inevitable and still have consequences. Taking responsibility is key to maintaining healthy relationships.

God outlines further instructions for guilt offerings, focusing on making things right when we wrong others (Leviticus 6). This teaches us that true repentance reflects a willingness to restore what’s broken.

Leviticus 7 highlights the importance of thankfulness and obedience in worship. This encourages us to cultivate a heart of gratitude, recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God, and to give back through generosity and acts of kindness.

In Psalm 31, David expresses deep distress but ultimately finds refuge in God. As we continue to explore the Psalms of David, we see a person just like you or me. A person that goes through deep emotions. Fear, anger, sadness, love, hurt, passion, compassion. Through it all, David reminds us that no matter how overwhelming our emotions may be, we can always turn to God for strength and peace.

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