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Aug 13, 2024 – Day 77 - A Rough Patch

Foto del escritor: Samantha PatschkeSamantha Patschke

So, I recently found out that someone close to me was stealing from me. It broke my heart. The money meant nothing. It was the trust instantly dissolved that brought me to tears. How can someone you invest in, care for and love do that to you? How can they be a believer? So many questions!

I have not posted in a few days because my mother has taught me that a non-violent lifestyle includes not sharing anger and hate. I was not ready to talk. I could not be vulnerable like I normally am in my posts.

That changed today. I decided to go in early to my classroom. My kids go to the school where I work so it all made sense. My data plan was not working, so we had to listen to the music I had downloaded on Amazon. My downloaded collection is all gospel music.  The second song was God is Good by Francesca Battistelli. Her song motivated me to try to find the beauty in everything, letting God take control, and trusting that He is a good God. In my struggle in the last few days, I forgot that.

I had not heard from God in a while. When I was reminded of His incredible goodness, my heart filled with gratitude. Thank you for saving me from people who wanted to hurt me. Thank you for not allowing me to hit rock bottom. Thank you for this song. Thank you for the strength to start over. Thank you for being there even when I was pushing you away. Thank you for using the people around me to console me. Thank you.

I felt an incredible urge to pray for this person that caused me so much pain. I have not done that yet. I am still brewing, but I am on the right path.


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