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Samantha Patschke

Day - 125 - This is why we are here.

Testimony 1 – Proyecto Propósito Jesus makes it simple. He is asked, “What is the greatest of all the commandments?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22: 37-40) 1. Love God 2. Love others Along the way, in our commitment to LOVE OTHERS we have met some extraordinary people. Daniela Ramos is one of those people. We met when she was only 13. God’s perfect plan moved the pieces into place. Her dad worked at a golf course near my home giving her the opportunity to golf as much as she wanted for free. For those of you who haven’t played golf it can be a frustrating sport. Daniela overcame those barriers and became a young pro golfer. She wanted to move forward with her golfing career and that is where Proyecto Propósito came into the picture. She needed English and we had an English program close to where she lived. She came to us and asked us for a scholarship, and she quickly began to learn. Now almost 2 years later, Daniela is completely bilingual, she is a senior in high school, she has her own sewing business and attends both our Bible and Mental health classes. She is a remarkable young lady, and it has been our honor and privilege to be part of her story. What’s in store for Daniela in the future? – She continues to dream about being a PRO golfer. Although COVID-19 has definitely put some roadblocks in her way. We are currently awaiting the green light on her USA tourist visa which would allow her to come up to the USA to get trained at PRO golf summer camp where we will be prayerfully hoping she will be spotted by a REP and get a chance. That’s all she needs.

Here at Proyecto Propósito we are committed to every one of our students, supporters, and parishioners. We want to fill the gap, bring an opportunity, be the tool and help fulfill God’s purpose in each one of our members. Please support our mission #Godisincontrol #proyectoproposito

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