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Oct 9, 2024 – Day 134- Ale is a Talker

Foto del escritor: Samantha PatschkeSamantha Patschke

My 10-year-old son Ale, “When we lived in the US, you were not as good of a mom as you are now. You were a good mom (back pedaling), but now you are a really good mom. I mean… don’t get angry. (He saw a shift in my face.)”

“Just think about it…In the US, we never got to spend time with you. We weren’t making so many memories.”

“You were very angry and impatient with us. You used to yell at us. We didn’t pray every night. We never had parties at home. We had no friends, and family never visited our house.”

He took a big breath and continued as I listened to him while chopping up vegetables for soup. If you know my son, he is a talker.

“We never did anything creative. We never did any art projects or board games. We never played video games together. Movie night never happened. You were on the phone a lot. You drank more wine. You did not put us to bed. Life is much better now.”

A friend, in the right place at the right time, hurried him along. “Ale, leave your mother alone.”

Ale: “Love you mom!” A big sloppy kiss and a happy boy bopped out of the room.

I know he is trying to express how happy he is presently and how much we have developed together as a family, but I will say it was tough to hear. Even though it is challenging to reflect on these times, the fact he notices a difference is huge in my world. Life is much better now.

Making the choice to make the necessary changes was not easy. I prayed and fought with God every step of the way, like a young son that thinks he understands life. In the end, God won. I am exactly where I need to be. Jacob walked with a limp, and I too have my battle scares.

The journey is the reward. The walk is life. The pain is gain. God is good. I am OK. Life will go on and Ale… he will still be talking.

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