The Israelites, after generations of slavery, are finally freed from Egypt. God doesn’t just send them off; He leads them personally, appearing as a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night—a constant reminder that He’s present, even in their uncertainty (Exodus 13).
Yet freedom doesn’t come without challenges. As Pharaoh changes his mind and sends his army after them, the Israelites find themselves trapped between the Red Sea and their oppressors. Fear and doubt take over, and they cry out to Moses (Exodus 14). It’s a raw, human reaction we all recognize—questioning why hope sometimes feels harder than captivity.
In their despair, God intervenes. Through Moses, He parts the sea, creating a path of deliverance where there was none (Exodus 14).
On the other side of the sea, fear turns into awe and mourning into worship. Miriam leads the people in a victory song (Exodus 15). Sometime there is nothing left to do but sing. “The Lord is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation” (Exodus 15:2)
