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Day 8 - Genesis 24-28 - Bible Reading

Foto del escritor: Samantha PatschkeSamantha Patschke

Abraham is getting older. He was blessed in many ways. One last task was on his mind. He wanted to find his son, Isaac, a worthy woman to be his wife (Genesis 24). Abraham sends one of his most reliable servants back to his homeland to find the perfect partner. The servant finds Rebekah in a display of God’s perfect will. It is incredible how with God’s support thing have a funny way of working out.

Abraham’s cycle ends (Genesis 25) and we see new life born, a set of twins. Rebekah and Isaac have twin boys! Esau, born first, and then Jacob. Esau became and skilled hunter and Jacob stayed closer to his mother in the kitchen. One day when Esau was out on a hunt, he became very hungry. When he arrived home, he was starving. Jacob had stew ready. Jacob offered Esau stew in exchange for his birthright. What a way to lose what’s yours.

Like father like son, Isaac told Abimelek that Rebecca was his siter and not his wife! (Genesis 26). We see God intervene again to protect Rebekah. From these terrible exchanges, both Abraham and Isacc grow wealthy. God uses our challenges to fertilize our growth.

Esau after losing his birthright, marries two Hittite women. This caused his parents much grief because the Hittie people were unbelievers. Rebekah favored Jacob and helped him take Esau’s blessing (Genesis 27).

When Esau found out that his father had given his blessing to his younger brother, Jacob, he became spiteful. Esau knew that his father did not want his children marrying any Canaanite women. Jacob was obedient. Esau, on the other hand, went straight out to marry a decedent of Ishmael. Tsk tsk tsk, Esau (Genesis 28).

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