Today Stefanny found four huge bags of coins. These are coins that have been in my family for years. Collected over the course of many adventures. They finally found their way into the hands of the perfect treasure hunter.
Fred quickly set up the living room table, grabbed Ziplock bags, and began sorting. He found some unique pieces and the exploration continues tomorrow.
It wasn’t until Alexa got involved that he had my full attention. “Mom!” “This coin is worth $1759 dollars!” His bright eyes told the story.
Surprised, I asked how he came to that conclusion. He explained he had asked Alexa. “Ask her again”, I urged.
His sweet voice asked with confidence: “Alexa, how much is 100 calzones worth in Florida?”. She answered, “Approximately, $1759 US dollars” “You see, Mom! We’re rich!”
I sent him off for his night shower. Time for bed.
“Alexa, how much is 100 colones worth in dollars?” I asked, curious. "Twenty cents," she replied.
Who is going to break the news?
I love that kid.
