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Samantha Patschke

July 8, 2024 – Day 42– I guess I got what I wanted

There is a little resort about two-half hours away from my house in Tela. Before I even left the USA, I decided to rent a few days to give my kids a break. I figured the change might be hard and the lifestyle might feel very different, so a few days at a resort might console them a bit.

We left Tela at 10 am. It was a long two-half hours because the roads are crazy here. When you come down from Orlando and you are used to the I-4, the road to Trujillo seems unreasonable. Either way the lush green mountains gave an incredible backdrop to the what seemed like a  never ending craterous road.

With anticipation for our arrival, the owner of our Airbnb sent us the access codes to our villa. We are vegetarians and that is not always easy, so we try to get an accommodation with a kitchen. I love to cook. It does not seem like a chore, until it does.

I respectfully asked for the internet code, WIFI is a must nowadays. Everyone in my family needs to be connected. We work, study, play and write online. The wonderful lady, who obviously does not rely heavily on the internet, informed me that the internet was not working.

What do you mean the internet is not working?!? I need the internet. We all do. She informed me that it would not be coming back on. The main cable line coming into the house was down and the internet connection needed serious repair. She offered to give us another house that had a connection to the cyberworld. I agreed. Although I would have felt more comfortable at her house because I have been there before, I accepted because I felt the connection was vital.

We arrived to our new villa. It was hard to accept that we would not be staying where we usually do, but after some time, a bike ride and a swim, I started to feel like this just might work.

My kids decided to detox form the ride and toxic confusion in their room with their computers…on the internet. They enjoy planning games together. It has really helped them develop a great bond. I invited them out with me to the pool, but they were busy.

I thought a few more laps would do me good. I could hear the birds singing, welcoming the night. I was finishing my last lap and I thought to myself in my solitude. I guess I got what I wanted. The internet.

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