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  • Samantha Patschke

Rule of Life Day 5 – Me defined in Him

Actualizado: 2 abr 2022

I got a question today about my view on the women’s right’s movement. As a somewhat conservative female Chirstian, people assumed I would be of a certain mind. But I am more than just a Christian. I am a leader at Proyecto Propósito, a mentor to many, a mother of two, the daughter of the most powerful woman I have ever met, the sister of an epic rebel, the Tia of the sweetest boy alive, the daughter of the best dad on earth. I am not afraid to speak my mind, but I find it therapeutic to stay quiet. A woman. I feel like that is the main difference between men and women. I am first defined by my gender and later by what I have and haven’t done. I am also living under the poverty line and trying to figure things out. I sometimes have a glass of wine, maybe two. I have behaviors I need to improve and things I need to stand up for. I don’t always feel like an inspired mother. I wish I treated my mother better. I wish I treated myself better too. I don’t take the time to call people I know need to talk. I never have enough time. I am a woman. There was a point in my life where I asked God how I was supposed to be both. How was I supposed to be all three? All four? – His answer was clear. That is not your place. Be one. Be a woman. I will fill in the rest. Although, it is rare to find someone that understands, God has proven to be faithful. From that day forward I was His. Period.

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