I would consider myself lucky to have ONE amazing parent, but I have TWO. My parents have kind of morphed into one person at this point. Today is my Dad’s 69th birthday. I wish I was there with him to celebrate because I love a good party.
There are a lot of men out there, and many are fathers, but many people agree that my dad is one of the best. He was built to be a dad, built to be a husband, built right, and I love him. Let me tell you why.
My mom tells me he had to put me to sleep every night because when I was a baby, I would not settle down for anyone else – unknowingly creating a connection with me that would last a lifetime.
I was about 3 or 4, we still lived in the USA, when dad took us to get horse feed. Sarah was along that time. She, I still think it was her, sat on the emergency brake and it got disengaged. Our pickup started barreling down a hill. Sarah and I were the only ones in it. Someone started yelling for my dad. Dad ran out and stepped right out in front of that pickup and stopped it with his bare hands. Everyone, including us girls, stopped for a moment, mouths wide open. – unknowingly teaching me my value.
When I was younger, we used to watch WWE wrestling together – unknowingly breaking down stereotypes in my world.
We traveled the world together. One time on a walk in Costa Rica, I was done and he walked me back to the hotel. My sister and mom were there, but mom was with Sarah and dad was with me. On our path there was an eyelash viper, dad flung that thing out of the way with a huge stick. – unknowingly teaching me to search for people who make me feel safe.
Dad was there at my school events, at my baby showers, in the waiting room waiting to see the boy’s day one. He was there when I got bit by a dog. He was there through illness and stress. He was there when he wanted to and when he didn’t, he was there. – unknowingly teaching me the value of being present.
We had a lot of fun. I have sung karaoke with him. Camped with him. Danced with him. Had a beer with him. Laughed with him. Watched countless movies with him. Numerous butt-busting hikes with him. Thousands of meals with him. – unknowingly he instilled the value of quality time in me.
As I got older, and life got more serious, dad was someone I would go to when I wanted to know the truth. Truth is something that, as a young adult, I liked to avoid, so I did not come to him as often as I should have. I see that now. – unknowingly he taught me the value of honesty.
My dad doesn’t get enough credit. He has never once sat me down to teach me a lesson. What I have learned from him, I learned walking beside him. The quality of human being he is, is what teaches the lessons – unknowingly.
Like I said, today is his 69th birthday and today I celebrate filled with gratefulness and humility because I know how lucky I am.