12957 days of being alive
10950 days of learning Spanish
7665 days as a vegetarian
6935 days of school, high school and college
3285 days since I started Proyecto Propósito
2595 days since becoming a mother
2005 days since I started to believe in God
485 days of living in Florida
Nothing miraculous happens in a day.
Matthew in his book ends chapter 6 reminding us - “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34
This is deeper than just avoiding the sinking feeling of worry. We are called to live in the present because when we invest our thoughts in the anxiety of the future or in the depression of the past, we miss out on the steps of obedience being softly spoken to us in the present.
Nothing that you do today will define you forever. Take a step back. Breath deep. Follow God.